By Peter Croker – Croker Golf System, PGA Teacher
“[BLEEP]!” How often do we mutter t-h-a-t on the course?
Maybe you’ve said it or thought it after a wayward shot — I know I have. But then I remind myself…
“Better to get set up than get upset.”
Because a solid set-up can fix a lot in your swing and help straighten those wayward shots.
So, where do we kick things off with the setup? We start right at the start — with the stance. And where does the stance begin? Well, exactly where you’d think — under the feet.
You might wonder, “How far or close should I stand from the ball? Where should the ball be — front foot, middle, or closer to the back foot? Different for the driver or irons? And what about when putting?”
Great questions, but let’s begin at the roots of the set up — the bottom of your feet, where your weight’s balance is at.
Think about it… where in your feet do you usually sense the weight balance at address? Towards the balls, heels, or evenly distributed between both?
Here’s what I suggest…
Aim for that athletic sensation with weight evenly distributed between heels and balls of the feet. Keep the upper body relaxed while the lower body feels heavy and springy.
Basketballers, wrestlers, and footballers — all adopt a similar athletic stance, allowing fluid movement in any direction. Emulate this feeling in your golf stance.
Crafting a set-up routine that starts you in a balanced position is key.
A good stance including a solid address routine helps make playing good golf much simpler.
Setting up well is always better than getting upset. Golf turns out to be more fun and less frustrating.
Want to dig deeper into improving your stance and address routine?
Scan the barcode for a free lesson on my webpage — specifically crafted for Inside Golf readers. Or follow this link to: