Hooked on New Zealand

New Zealand’s Kauri Cliffs and Cape Kidnappers golf courses are hugely popular with golfers the world over, but there are a number of other must-play gems in the land of the Long White Cloud, writes DAVID NEWBERY
New Zealand’s Kauri Cliffs and Cape Kidnappers golf courses are hugely popular with golfers the world over, but there are a number of other must-play gems in the land of the Long White Cloud, writes DAVID NEWBERY
For golfers travelling to New Zealand’s rugged North Island, the beautiful and ultra-playable Kauri Cliffs should be top of the list. This month, we review this magnificent course — including a hole-by-hole photo gallery.
Rated by many as among the top golf layouts in the world, the Cape Kidnappers golf course offers a combination of breathtaking scenery and world-class golf like no other. Inside Golf ventured to this unique kiwi destination to experience this beauty for ourselves. “Is it normally this windy here?” I asked, holding onto my cap, […]