By Inside Golf on Comments Off on Better stretching, eating, sleeping and moving is better than ‘the cure’
By Patricia Maris, Golfness Strategist There are many benefits that players can derive from golf. Apart from the joy of the game, the beauty of the courses and spending time in the glory of nature, this ancient game provides players with many hidden health benefits. But are we doing it right? According to statistics, more […]
By Richard Fellner on Comments Off on Does golf’s ‘X-factor’ swing cause back injuries?
Harder, better, faster, stronger. Professional golfers are hitting the ball further and swinging the club with more force than ever before. Advancements in club and ball technology, along with improved strength and conditioning training, have helped players smash driving distance records, forcing designers, particularly in the United States, to lengthen their courses. Whether the […]
By Jason Wood on Comments Off on Coming back from injury
A very common issue I encounter with my lesson students is that players often struggle with their golf swing and game when returning from illness or injury. Common wisdom would point towards the fact that very few of us are perfect patients when it comes to rehabilitation, I often hear golfers use the phrase “Doc […]
Posture for golf is an important requirement if you want to execute the golf swing efficiently. Many golf swing faults can be attributed to poor posture. However, bad posture may be affecting you in other ways. A 21st century phenomenon contributing to poor posture and chronic back and neck pain is the typical position adopted […]
I caught a re-run of The Karate Kid (the 1984 original) movie on TV a few days ago. If you’ve seen it, then you know the line “Wax on, wax off”. There are other lines which, back when the movie first came out, everyone was repeating. “Paint the fence”, and “Sand the floor”, all relate […]
Reusing water bottles, plastic or otherwise is a popular way to be eco-friendly, but one of the big problems with water bottles is mould build-up. The word ‘bacteria’ can send many people reaching for the hand sanitiser, and while some bacteria are not harmful, it is probably better to be safe than sorry and keep your water bottle clean.
Playing consistent golf all the way through a round has a lot to do with being able to maintain concentration. Maintaining concentration has a lot do with keeping energy levels up. Keeping energy levels up is all about food.
If you want to perform better at golf, your round should always be accompanied by a solid golf nutrition plan. In essence, what you eat determines how you play. So, which foods produce champions and which foods hinder play? Let me give you a few hints.
If I took a survey of all the people I’ve worked with, the definition of “Junk Food” would be rather varied, and generally misunderstood. Unfortunately, Junk Food is not simply limited to every fast food outlet you can think of; it actually exists as most foods available to us today. In saying this, in my […]
Golf is a sport that requires a movement which is repeated on one side of the body often. If not addressed, the result will be one side of the body being stronger, more coordinated or agile than the same muscles on the other side of the body. While this dominance of a skill set on […]