Inside Golf Magazine has a long history of supporting Australian charities, through sponsorship, supplying merchandise and industry support. Inside Golf Magazine offer an invitation to our readers and the industry at large to contact our dedicated senior journalist Andrew Crockett if you need assistance with your charity golf day, to report about the success of your efforts, so we can chronicle them to Aussie golfers across the country, in print.

Some charity golf days, across Australia, that Inside Golf support.

#doingitforjarrod (Cancer)

Established in 2017, this is a wonderful fun day in honour of the late Jarrod Lyle. Golf courses across Australia dedicate a day and turn their golf course into a ‘sea of yellow’ to raise funds for the Challenge Foundation. Supported by the PGA of Australia this is an annual nationwide fundraising campaign that is enjoyed by the entire golfing community.

More on Jarrod Lyle here,

The Challenge Foundation wind up their annual golfing calendar with Robert Allenby’s golf day at Yarra Yarra golf course, and invitational dinner at the Crown in Melbourne. Go here for more details on participating in the ‘Doing It For Jarrod‘ golf day, or reach out to Andrew Crockett if you need support.

Mick Fanning charity golf day

Mick Fanning is a legend of Aussie sport. The three times surfing world champion started his annual charity golf day in 2022 to raise money for the flood victims of the ‘once in 500 year flood’ of 2022, in Northern NSW. Surfing stars, media personalities, sports stars and entertainers flock to Tweed Heads for a day of charity golf that in its first two years of running has raised over $1million.

“Major thanks has to go to our sponsors with a special mention to our title sponsor Balter for backing us again and helping pull the day together. Teams enjoyed the opportunity to play alongside high-profile athletes, musicians, TV stars and radio personalities. Celebrity guests included Pat Rafter, Joel Parkinson, Casey Stoner, Alan Border, Hamish Blake, Andy Lee, Guy Sebastian, The Inspired Unemployed and Luke Hemsworth to name a few.” Mick Fanning

Live fearless challenge (Crohn’s Disease)

“I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the latest issue of the Inside Golf magazine, and article written by Andrew Crockett. I cannot begin to convey how grateful I am for publishing this article in the magazine and for generously supplying all those inside golf magazines for the tournament. I am delighted to share that my tournament secured the second-highest donation for the Live Fearless campaign in 2023. House of Golf (Mentone) were also instrumental in the success of this day and we look forward and even bigger day next year.” Charlotte Hyne (Stinger Golf)

Music Industry Masters (Splendour in the Grass)

The ‘Music Industry Masters’ is a brilliant initiative during the ‘Splendour In The Grass’ music festival in July. Pitting the musical artists v the music industry, this dynamic day of fun and colour, raises funds for a plethora of charities including Adam Goodes & Michael O’Loughlin’s Go Foundation (Equality). Musican’s Making A Difference (Mental Health) and Hi Neighbour (Environment).

Charity Challenge

The Charity Challenge Golf Series is the brainchild of Gary Dawson OAM and Matthew Laverty way back in 2003. They typically run around 12 core events per year, plus a selection of other special Charity events in the series. A further spin-off event is the very special Gala Ball with recipient Charities and around 600 regular golf attendees and their connections all coming together for a fantastic night, to cap off each year.

The Longest Day

Our governing bodies, The PGA of Australia and Golf Australia are both engaged in charitable giving and supporting golf clubs that wish to host an event. Golf Australia has a major charity partnership with Cancer Council for The Longest Day, a brilliant initiative which raised $3.1 million for cancer research in 2020.

The PGA of Australia supports a plethora of charity golf days, with high exposure of the Challenge Foundation at several marquee events, including the Australian PGA championship and Victorian Open, the PGA is also involved in numerous charity initiatives including recently Members of the ISPS HANDA PGA Tour of Australasia agreed to donate the entirety of the Tournament Members Charity Fund to two Auckland charities helping to rebuild local communities after their floods. PGA members Australia-wide are often aligning their name and hosting events are various golf courses to support charity.

The Jack Celebrity Classic

The Jack Newton Celebrity Classic is the longest running and most successful celebrity pro-am golf tournament in Australia. The inaugural event was held in December 1979 at the Tewantin Noosa Golf Club on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. The event had a great ‘feel’ about it, especially to propagate a Celebrity type event where Jack Newton took it upon himself to improve the standard of professionals, find sponsors and introduce more celebrities. The Jack has raised over $7million for Diabetes (ENDIA) and the Jack Newton Junior Golf Foundation, the two charities were close to Jack’s heart, as he had Diabetes himself.

The Chappell Foundation continues to make a significant impact in the fight against youth homelessness. In addition to their Sports Stars Sleepout and cricket-focused fundraising efforts, Ian, Greg, and Trevor Chappell host an annual Charity Golf Day to support this vital cause. Inside Golf proudly backs their efforts and thanks Greg Chappell and the Foundation’s board for their unwavering commitment.

Mongrel — a word synonymous with grit and determination, both on and off the golf course. The team at Mongrels Men is doing incredible work in the mental health space, offering support and connection for men through golf. Their Charity Golf Day continues to grow each year, bringing the community together for a great cause. Inside Golf proudly supports their mission.

Are you OK? The RUOK? movement was born from the infectious positivity of its founder, keen golfer Gavin Larkin. The initiative encourages meaningful conversations to help people navigate life’s challenges. Golf provides the perfect setting for these discussions—whether on the course or over a post-round drink. Each year, Inside Golf supports the RUOK? Charity Golf Day—a fantastic way to make a difference.

Sporting Chance has raised millions to fund vital cancer care for Australian children in regional areas. Mark ‘Tubby’ Taylor, a lifelong golfer and chairman of the foundation, helps lead the charge with two major Charity Golf Days in Melbourne and Sydney at premier courses. Keen to support their efforts?

Heart of the Green is a heartfelt initiative honouring Josh Avvenevole, who tragically passed away from Sudden Cardiac Death in his twenties. Organised by his mother, Jen, the annual Golf Day at Concord Golf Club raises nearly $100,000 each year for research into this silent killer. To support this important cause, visit

The Heart Foundation continues to do exceptional work across Australia. Inside Golf Magazine recently collaborated with John Brewster (The Angels) to highlight key initiatives, including the on-course training of golf staff in emergency first aid and the use of defibrillators. If your golf club hasn’t yet installed defibrillators, now is the time to act.

To learn more about Andrew Crockett’s reporting on charity golf in Australia please visit his website at