Juniors in WA will strike gold again this year at the 2014 Smarter than Smoking – Goldfields Junior Desert Open. The Goldfields Golf Club of Kalgoorlie-Boulder will be staging the event for the third time on the 1st and 2nd October. The STS-GJDO is a WA state junior ranking event over 36 holes of stroke. The club continues to receive great support from GolfWA, whom have confirmed the attendance of the State Development Squad players, to ensure a high quality field for what is shaping as one of WA’s largest junior golf tournaments.
The event has exclusive access to the course for the two days, allowing junior golfers an opportunity to play on the Graham Marsh-designed Kalgoorlie Golf Course, which offers a high standard of playing surface, set in the unique setting of natural bush land and rich red desert sands.
With sponsorship at capacity, the tournament continues to enjoy great support both locally and state-wide which enables a prize pool of six divisions with 24 prizes. The Gross Champion Girl and Boy will each receive a Kalgoorlie Gold Nugget valued at $500.00. In addition, each divisional gross winner will also receive a smaller nugget.
One great change this year; The MyGolf section of the competition has been included as a 2014 MyGolf Tour event, with players awarded points to the season-long Order of Merit. The MyGolf event will be run in conjunction with the STS-GJDO each day to allow younger players and siblings to participate. This event has a total of 18 prizes over the two days of competition and there is a division for all skill levels.
Each entrant will receive an event backpack containing a number of gifts. The club is intent on encouraging players to come and play with every participant taking something home. To complement the formal prizes, there will be 28 novelty prizes over the two days.
In July the club took nine junior representatives to play a week of open competition in Perth and to promote the Smarter than Smoking – Goldfields Junior Desert Open. The buzz around the tournaments the group attended was very positive, with many players and parents indicating their intention to make the trip to Kalgoorlie in October.
The Goldfields Golf Club is looking forward to a successful event again in 2014 and for years to come. For further information contact Mark Baroni, Junior Golf Coordinator on markbaroni@westnet.com.au or visit the tournament’s facebook page: www.facebook.com\GoldfieldsJuniorDesertOpen