State to state, a slippery slope

State to state, a slippery slope

A few issues back, I raised some points about the Slope System and handicap indexing. To summarise, I proposed that, instead of using the current (and potentially outdated) American Slope system to determine the relative difficulty of courses here in Australia, we instead turn to the real-world statistical data of rounds played at each course. […]

Golf Australia outlines components of new handicapping system

Golf Australia outlines components of new handicapping system

GOLF AUSTRALIA has released a list of the major components comprising the national golf handicapping system. In a letter to Club captains on June 1, Golf Australia Chairman John Hopkins summarised the work done to date on the new GA Handicap System, and outlined the components of what is yet to be implemented. No firm […]

Major components of the Golf Australia Handicap System

Major components of the Golf Australia Handicap System

The new Handicapping system for Australian golfers has a variety of changes and aspects from previous systems. Here is the breakdown of the major components. (Note: as per the recent letter from Golf Australia, not all of the components have been implemented. These have been labelled with TBI. Full implementation is expected in the latter part of […]

A Slippery Slope: How will the Slope System affect your handicap?

A Slippery Slope: How will the Slope System affect your handicap?

While the Australian Golf Handicapping system has undergone many changes recently, the announced delay of introducing the Slope system until 2013 has caused much distress among our readers, especially those who believe that Slope will be the “unifying” cure-all factor to fix the remaining issues surrounding handicaps. Many of the letters we receive each week […]